Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ferret Status up for the taking

I've been progressively poor for the past sinceIgotlaidoffofmyjobhoweverlongthatis and I had to make some cut backs. No more XM radio (bye bye Cocktails with Patrick). No more gym membership. No more iTunes. No more $15 dollar salads with half the ingredients special ordered out of it. No more drinking [at bars] (thank gawd for cheap wine @ Trader Joe's!). 

Okayfine, so the sacrifices have been minimal but like...whatever their SACRIFICES OKAY!

I have been wanting to go to the gym though. It's one of things that I considered getting it back and then just chalking it up to a necessity since exercise is good or something. Obviously, I haven't. I workout at home; DVD's, Stability Ball, Bender Ball, Resistant bands, and going for walks but it's just not the same. I'm lackadaisical by nature. At home I get distracted and bored... but at the gym I'm there to get ish done! I miss the treadmill that makes me keep a steady pace, the efficiency of the elliptical, the variety of weight machines, and the option of going to classes. There's no lackadaisical breaking at the gym. I get annoyed when I see people just sitting and not working out, so I continually remind myself to stay busy.

One of the reasons that I haven't gone back to my gym (aside from the fact that working out at home works) is that my gym is old. Around the time I left they were building a new facility next door but since then the construction on it has stopped and various locations have closed down. Bally's is going under, me thinks. L.A. Fitness and KO are the other two gyms near me but they don't cost $99 for a full year. I'm not even sure $99 would get me 3 full months.

But something fantastic happened today. After my mom and her boyfriend got back from breakfast he asked me on the low if I could look up how much a gym membership costs at L.A. Fitness cause he wants to get one for my mom... and ME! Since she needs someone to force her to go, and I'm that girl! So, I looked it up, gave him the figures, he gave me his credit card and VOILA! Me and Mom are members of L.A. Fitness (active Dec. 26) and it's paid for a full year! :)

I suppose many people may take offense if their sig other gave them a gym membership for xmas, but this man is practical when he buys gifts; and my mom has been wanting to go back to the gym, so it's kosher. 

I'M STOKED! I need to get back to going to the gym 6 days a week. I've already been looking at the schedule of classes I want to go to. Hip Hop, Pilates, Yoga-YES! 

F*#! off Penguin~! Ferret Status here I come!


  1. I'd die from happiness for a gym gift memebership! Last year husband got me a really awesome food scale and I LOVED it...still do!!

  2. !!!!! I love fitness classes. they're the only time I EVER exercise!! I love yoga and ZUMBA omg!


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